
Showing posts with the label Asian Hornets

Asian Hornet (Vespa velutina) in UK

  Asian Hornet (Vespa velutina) in UK 13/10/2022   Posted by   Pest Dominion Limited 13 OCT In year 2022, as per to  BPCA , defra has confirmed  Asian Hornet sighting  in Ascot,  Gloucestershire,  Dover,  Essex , Hampshire, Hull & Somerset and many other places in the country, it is fascinating how far these insects end up. The Asian hornet is smaller than British native hornet and poses no greater risk to human health than our native species of wasps and hornets. However, they do pose a risk to honey bees and work is already underway to monitor for any hornet activity and to identify any nests nearby. Beekeepers and members of the public are being asked to remain vigilant of Asian hornets. Just in-case you see any non-native species sightings can be recorded online through  iRecord (external link) , ( DEFRA,2022 ) ( Pest Dominion, 2022 ) Learn more about  recording non-native species .  Check out Pestpack Here www.pes...