Do I have a wasp nest in my house?

Do you see a large number of wasps in and around your premises?

If your Answer is yes, there’s probably a wasps nest nearby. 

How to identify if there is a wasp nest or wasps just foraging!

Monitor and trace the wasps you are currently seeing, if their movement is in random motions, that could be just foraging or scouting. However, if you have traced an activity to a hole, put it this way, if wasps continuously take off and land in that hole, just like plane take off and land on a runway, Yes, that is a wasp nest, stay clear and call a professional pest controller.  Ignoring could mean endangering yourself and others, you never know when someone can have an allergic reaction to a wasp sting. A single wasp nest can have up to fifteen hundreds wasps, and it can produce on hundred and fifty to three hundred queens at the end of the season. Yes, it is true they will all die at the end of the season except the queens, they will hibernate or hide in warm places over the autumn and next year in March, April or May in some cases, each queen wasp will go feed on pollen and start building a nest of her own, this life cycle continues every year.

(Pest Dominion, 2022)


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