

Brown Ant, Pharaoh Ants, Tropical Species such as Bullet Ants, Fishhook Ant, and Crazy Ants are not considered a pest.

Thousands of ant species are found everywhere on the earth apart from Antarctica and a few other frozen islands. A typical ant, colony can range from a few dozen scavengers to super-colonies of millions with of population, researchers speculated that over 22,000 ant species exist. However, there are two types of ants we may come across in our daily life, Brown Ant (Lasius brunneus), (looks black or is commonly referred to as black ant and, Pharaoh Ant, (Monomorium pharaonic) known as brown or blonde ants. A Typical ant colony has a female Queen the egg-laying machine, and sterile female workers, their duties are foraging and protecting the nest, and male are only for mating purposes only. In certain species, the males are part of the mating flight, also known as ‘flying ants.

Biology & Life Cycle


EGG ———————> LARVAE ————> PUPAE ————> ADULT

1- 4 weeks to hatch           10 to 21 to pupate           Less than 2 week to an  Adult

These ants are a widespread nuisance pest in households, as well as in restaurants, hospitals, offices, and warehouses. There are risks to public health, as ants may spread bacterial and fungal organisms during their foraging on surfaces. Hence, it is important to disinfect these surfaces regularly. However, they don’t always leave traces makes it difficult to identify an area if ants have been around, it may look like a pointless exercise to disinfect the surface all the time.

Risk to Public Health

According to Beatson, pharaoh ants (Monomorium pharaonis) in the hospitals, were found to carry Salmonella spp, Pseudomonas spp, Staphylococcus spp, Streptococcus spp, Klebsiella spp and Clostridium spp. The Clostridium welchii (now Clostridium perfringens) linked with pharaoh ants (Monomorium pharaonis) found in hospital kitchen and Clostridium cochlearium in toilets (Beatson, 1972).

If you are annoyed by these pest ants, why not give us a call at 07999936075



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