Pest Dominion says no harming Water Voles, a Rodent not a Pest.


Water Vole, how to get rid of them?

Often confused with Brown Rats, as they have small blunt-nose and look similar.  They are rodents and can occasionally come indoors, but their normal habitat is burrows near water. Not classified as a pest, some species such as the water vole are protected and pest controllers or anyone is allowed to cause harm to them. A question arises how to get rid of them? OK, No treatment is necessary as they are harmless, but, if you are experiencing a high volume please do nothing. A company in Norfolk was finned £17000 for causing harm to water voles, read more on by clicking here.
According to PPC99 May 2020, The water vole population in the UK has fallen dramatically since the 1960s, from around eight million to the most recent estimate, from the People’s Trust for Endangered Species, of 875,000. It’s the UK’s fastest-declining animal and is the reason the water vole is a species of conservation concern.

A water vole on Kent’s Swanscombe peninsula, one of only three new sites of special scientific interest established since 2021. Photograph: Ben Andrew/RSPB/PA

Phoebe Weston,The Guardian, 2022., News Article 

Pest Dominion says no harming water voles….Water Vole is a protected species of rodent, not a pest.

Pest Dominion Limited, 2022.



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