
Showing posts from October, 2022

Pest Dominion says no harming Water Voles, a Rodent not a Pest.

  19 OCT, 22 Water Vole, how to get rid of them? Often confused with Brown Rats, as they have small blunt-nose and look similar.  They are rodents and can occasionally come indoors, but their normal habitat is burrows near water. Not classified as a pest, some species such as the  water vole  are protected and pest controllers or anyone is allowed to cause harm to them.  A question arises how to get rid of them? OK,  No treatment is necessary as they are harmless, but, if you are experiencing a high volume please do nothing. A company in Norfolk was finned £17000 for causing harm to water voles, read more on by clicking  here . According to PPC99 May 2020, The  water vole  population in the UK has fallen dramatically since the 1960s, from around eight million to the most recent estimate, from the People’s Trust for Endangered Species, of 875,000. It’s the UK’s fastest-declining animal and is the reason the  water vole  is a spe...

Anticoagulant resistance in Norway rats (Rattus norvegicus)

  HOME   »   RODENT   » RODENT Rodent behavioural and physiological resistance 18/10/2022   Posted by    P est Dominion Limited Rodent behavioural and physiological resistance, BPCA  CPD VIDEO, 2022. Further Reading PEST MANAGEMENT SCIENCE Field trials to assess resistance to warfarin and difenacoum of house mice in relation to the occurrence of variants in the vkorc1-gene before and after the treatments. “ Anticoagulant resistance in Norway rats ( Rattus norvegicus  Berk.) in Kent – a VKORC1 single nucleotide polymorphism, tyrosine139phenylalanine, new to the UK” Read More  Here Colin V. Prescott  ,  Alan P. Buckle ,  J. George Gibbings ,  Ed N.W. Allan  &  Alexander M. Stuart Pages 61-65 | Received 06 Jul 2010, Accepted 08 Sep 2010, Published online: 19 Nov 2010

Asian Hornet (Vespa velutina) in UK

  Asian Hornet (Vespa velutina) in UK 13/10/2022   Posted by   Pest Dominion Limited 13 OCT In year 2022, as per to  BPCA , defra has confirmed  Asian Hornet sighting  in Ascot,  Gloucestershire,  Dover,  Essex , Hampshire, Hull & Somerset and many other places in the country, it is fascinating how far these insects end up. The Asian hornet is smaller than British native hornet and poses no greater risk to human health than our native species of wasps and hornets. However, they do pose a risk to honey bees and work is already underway to monitor for any hornet activity and to identify any nests nearby. Beekeepers and members of the public are being asked to remain vigilant of Asian hornets. Just in-case you see any non-native species sightings can be recorded online through  iRecord (external link) , ( DEFRA,2022 ) ( Pest Dominion, 2022 ) Learn more about  recording non-native species .  Check out Pestpack Here www.pes...

Do I have a wasp nest in my house?


  Ants Brown Ant, Pharaoh Ants, Tropical Species such as Bullet Ants, Fishhook Ant, and Crazy Ants are not considered a pest. Thousands of ant species are found everywhere on the earth apart from Antarctica and a few other frozen islands. A typical ant, colony can range from a few dozen scavengers to super-colonies of millions with of population, researchers speculated that over 22,000 ant species exist. However, there are two types of ants we may come across in our daily life, Brown Ant (Lasius brunneus), (looks black or is commonly referred to as black ant and, Pharaoh Ant, (Monomorium pharaonic) known as brown or blonde ants. A Typical ant colony has a female Queen the egg-laying machine, and sterile female workers, their duties are foraging and protecting the nest, and male are only for mating purposes only. In certain species, the males are part of the mating flight, also known as ‘flying ants. Biology & Life Cycle   EGG  ———————>  LARVAE  ————>...